Rodan + Fields Revolutionize Exfoliation…and Housecleaning

The Best Exfoliation Tool if You Hate to Dust
I loathe cleaning house almost as much as I loathe dry flaky skin. Nearly 80% of house dust is actually dead skin cells. Luckily the brilliant dermatologist team, doctors Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields, have put their Stanford-educated brains together to create the Redefine Macro Exfoliator, $279. It’s a handheld exfoliation tool with a powerful suction tip that I can use at home to sweep away ugly dead skin cells. The cells are then trapped within the cool little gadget, and you are left with a brighter complexion, plus cutting down on your dusting and scrubbing by an estimated five million dead skin cells per week! Double score!

The sophisticated computerized device, above, allows you to achieve unprecedented levels of deep exfoliation at home, clearing away debris and revealing a healthy pink underlayer…and it only takes five minutes, once a week!
Follow the exfoliation process with Rodan + Fields’s Macro Exfoliator Cooling Gels–which use the doctors’ proprietary peptide blend–to soothe the skin instantly, reducing redness and enhancing skin resiliency.
“When we get done performing a treatment on a patient,” stated Dr. Kathy Fields, “we don’t just send her out into the world pink-faced. We want to calm and treat her face right away. Because this tool is the real deal, we have included the cooling gels to offer immediate comfort after using the Macro Exfoliator.”
For added relief, the ampoules can be stored in the refrigerator, Fields said.
You should check out this demo on YouTube, which shows Rodan + Fields’s nurse Mary Radford in action with the Macro Exfoliator.
Now you can save your French maid outfit for other purposes! C’est bon!

Michelle C
Let me know if you’d like to place an order! mcolopy.myrandf.com
Karen Pendleton
I would LOVE to help you exfoliate your skin……..I HATE dusting!!
Lisa Poole
The programmed “Doc Smart” mode assures the optimum exfoliation! With Rodan+Fields products It’s You, Only Flawless! Let me help you!
Thankful Ackerman
This tool is a game changer and so are the products! I can’t remember my skin in this great of condition as Rodan + Fields has made mine. It was love at first use! Get on the wait list now or message me how to get yours now http://www.awesome1.myrandf.com.
Arden WImberly
In my house we do Sunday Night Macro E dates! Yep, I got the hubby in on it too! It’s THAT GOOD!
Jodi Susnak
I’d love you to try the Macro E and/or our products. They all come with a 60 day, empty bottle, 100% money back guarantee. Why not redefine your skin? Check out my website to see how!
Janet McElligott
If Kim Kardashian had read Beauty Shall Save the World’s piece on the MacroE and messaged me, she would have know that beauty doesn’t have to hurt. Instead poor Kim did this http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2013/03/kim-kardashian-gets-vampire-facial-with-her-own-blood—watch-video-of-the-painful-procedure.html Please don’t spend $1500 on a vampire facial. Let me help you.
Jennifer Thornquest
Your face is your most precious real estate! NOW is always the best time to start caring more for it. Visit my website to find out more or order what you need today!
Heather McNamee
Let me know if you would like a piece of the 3 bill skin care industry combined with an additional 3 bill industry of at home dermatologic treatments!
Business Interest
Product Interest
Kathy Geiss for Rodan+Fields
One of the Top Rodan+Fields Consultants in the country owns MedSpas in NY and said the Macro Exfoliator will change the Spa industry; because what you get with the 5 minute in-home, 1x per week use of the MACRO E is equivalent to the $500 machines most spas use; she additionally stated that she didn’t know how the Dr’s did it but she was amazed how simple it was to use; and for the cost of between 1-2 spa exfoliation treatments, depending on the spa, of course, that anyone can improve their skin in the privacy of their own home. If you’d like to know more just ask me, 516-578-8183. Or just fill in the link below and I’ll follow-up with you. https://www.facebook.com/KathyGeissSOS4urSkinRnF/app_206429986046631
Yeah for MacroE
Tammy Diseker
I love how doctors Katie Rodan & Kathy Fields have a passion for bringing dermatology to the masses. Giving US an opportunity to be our own advertisements! I still share the story that I heard them say, about how they came about launching Proactiv Solution in their efforts to bring dermatology to the masses. Fast forward 15 + years, giving individuals like myself, an opportunity to have in home treatments, that quite frankly, couldn’t afford a dermatologist or a spa. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for being sooo giving and allowing me this opportunity to share with the masses as well. Tammy Diseker, Mrs. Collin County P.S. Had I not gotten such amazing results with my own skin from using my Redefine, I would not have competed in the Mrs.Texas/Mrs.America Pageant!