François Nars Cleansing Oil is The Bomb!

To emulsify dirt and liquify makeup fast at the end of a long day, Nars’ Makeup Cleansing Oil is remarkable. Thorough yet gentle, the weightless, silky elixir removes every last bit of makeup leaving zero residue.
We love the way just two pumps of the stuff takes it all off in seconds–melting even heavy or stubborn makeup–and after a quick rinse, it leaves your skin feeling refreshed and balanced with no oily film on your face or in your eyes.
Use it as a precursor to or in place of your nighttime cleanse, depending on just how tired you are.
The unique formula works fast, without tugging or pulling, on all skin types–even the oily-complected–with no worries of breakouts or clogged pores.
Thank you François, for producing something equally brilliant to remove your brilliant makeup.
Nars Cleansing Oil, $40 for 6.7 oz., is available at Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue stores.