How To Stop Nail-Biting and Other Bad Habits: An Effortless Solution
Good news can be hard to come by these days. Our current social/political climate sorta feels like The Great Depression meets the Spanish Flu of 1918 meets the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, all set within a dark dystopian sci-fi novel about the rise of fascism, with a few environmental crises thrown into the mix for good measure.
It’s enough to make even any well-adjusted girl turn toward less-than-healthy coping mechanisms….like binge eating, smoking or nail-biting. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and your inner psyche is suffering, there actually is some good news however…..I have a solution for your angst. It’s called hypnotherapy, and I’m here to tell you that it flat-out works!
As a lifelong nail-biter, I managed to kick the habit back in 2011 using a few key beauty products and every shred of self-control in my being, which admittedly is not much. I even wrote an article about it, here on this very blog, and introduced you all to some tools and techniques that make the job marginally easier: emery boards and cuticle nippers, to remove tempting crunchy edges; a quality hand cream, to soften uncomfortably parched skin and dry cuticles; and even oral supplements such as biotin and gelatin, to make the nails grow strong and healthy.
All of these products help the process and minimize growing pains for nail biters. But if you *really* want to make it easy on yourself to quit biting, or lose a few pounds, or stop smoking…..hypnosis is where it’s at. For profound behavioral change, I am convinced that absolutely *nothing* works better.
The great thing about it is, it’s quick, it’s effortless, and it actually feels highly relaxing. It’s easy to do it from the privacy of your own home and it’s completely natural. All you need is a mere hour of quiet, uninterrupted time for most bad habits.
I used hypnosis as a tool for smoking cessation back in 2012 and I swear by it; I still do not smoke to this day. For significant behavioral change in your life, hypnosis really really works!
If you are curious about unleashing the powers of your subconscious mind for a better quality of life, I highly recommend that you read “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Hypnosis” by Dr. Roberta Temes. In fact, Dr. Roberta, the author of the book, actually performed the smoking cessation hypnosis on me via phone in 2012. You can read about my experience here.
In her book, Dr. Roberta outlines in simple English the basics about the science behind hypnotherapy and how literally anyone can benefit from it!
For my nervous nail-biting session however, Christine Salvo was my guide this time around. I discovered Christine through the very cool radio show Business Therapy on KNVC, produced by Carson City Community Radio. Christine co-hosts it with Management Consultant Diane Dye Hansen. I love listening to this dynamic show, where Diane and Christine tackle business-related problems using skills such as communication and emotional intelligence. It’s a really engaging 30 minutes of my mornings on Mondays and Wednesdays. You should check it out. Diane and Christine make for an interesting conversation every time.
But back to the hypnosis. Christine, having been involved in the field of therapy for more than ten years, has an office in Carson City, but due to proximity we opted to do our hypnosis over the phone in lieu of doing it on Zoom because video makes me self-conscious.
Christine explained that she could easily help people overcome their perceived limitations, instantly, with hypnosis. “We don’t need to struggle so much,” she told me.
Since this wasn’t my first foray into hypnosis, and because I had prior success with it, I already pretty much knew what to expect. But it’s always shocking, the way the bad habits evaporate effortlessly and simply become a past behavior that no longer serves you.
First, Christine interviewed me about my negative habit of nail biting and we had a little conversation about it for about a half hour. She then encouraged me to record our session on my phone so I could listen to it every night to further enhance the likelihood that her affirmations would stick with me.
After our 30-minute hypnotherapy session was complete, I felt utterly relaxed, positive, rejuvenated, with absolutely zero urge to bite my nails. It’s like the compulsion to chew on them just vanished, and a happier, more confident version of myself emerged.
I only wish more people knew about the miraculous results that hypnosis can bring. It really is a game-changer in the cognitive arena. Thank you, Christine Salvo! Now….if only she could hypnotize me to cook and clean. Oh well.