Dr. Harold Lancer, In The Flesh At Nordstrom

I have already introduced you to the gifted Beverly Hills dermatologist, Dr. Harold Lancer.
Dr. Lancer can help you achieve that coveted glowing complexion. Now it’s time to meet the man whom stars turn to when they want to shine–both figuratively, and literally!
Lancer and his team of professionals will be appearing at Nordstrom Valley Fair in San Jose, California, tomorrow, and I can hardly wait.
This is a great opportunity to get your skin diagnosed by a professional–and not just any professional…this is Dr. Lancer!
Spend $200 or more on Dr. Lancer’s products and receive .5 oz. of his Glycolic 10% facial cream, free. Featured on the Oprah Winfrey show, this hydrating cream uses the power of glycolic acid to smooth the skin. It’s a rich pairing of ultra-pure crystalline glycolic acid and antioxidants. Designed to help achieve a softer, smoother skin texture, the cream also contains liposome-encapsulated vitamins A, C, E, Co-Q10 and green tea extract.
I predict a shopping spree in my near future.
Appointments are almost gone so if you haven’t booked yours yet, do it today. Call Nordstrom at 408.248.2180. Hope to see you there! Come say hi!