Eye Candy from Australia: Rachel Montgomery and Aleksandra Stefano
Beauty Tips From Down Under

Hi guys. My talented friend from Australia, award-winning makeup artist Rachel Montgomery, is busy compiling a list of a bunch of her favorite products, techniques and tips for us…
I can’t wait to tell you all about Rachel and her trade secrets! Just check out this shot above from her portfolio. She’s such a genius and she’s actually willing to share.

In the meantime, look at this fabulous jeweled eye, with lashes from Australia’s Lash Republic by Milan & Co. Rachel uses the lashes from this imaginative company. They’re a mainstay in her kit.
I want to introduce you to the brilliant creative mind behind Lash Republic, founder Aleksandra Stefano. She has a collection of lashes for every conceivable eye shape and for any occasion—from Mardi Gras to wedding belles, or if you just want to look glam on a daily basis!
In fact, who do you think the stars turn to when they want to sparkle? Lash Republic, of course. Aleksandra’s corner lashes are worn by all the models and celebrities. That’s how Angelina gets those sexy, smoldering cat eyes on the Red Carpet! And Sofia Vergara was also spotted with Lash Republic’s 1/4 lashes at this year’s Golden Globes!
Plus, I’ll show you how to apply lashes in an easy tutorial. There are a couple of great tools from Lash Republic that make application a snap. You’re going to love it.
So stick around, we are going to have a lot of fun in Australia. Talk to you soon. xx