Lessons My Mother Taught Me: How To Age in Reverse, Part 1
My mother had a birthday recently and it got me to thinking. We are all getting older on this crazy blue planet, but some of us are doing better than others. My mom is many things to many people, but to me she’s my best friend. Having taught school for 54 years, she’s also a legend where I grew up in Tucson, Arizona. Gifted with wit, style and a formidable intellect, there’s no denying her natural beauty. Yet the remarkable part is how she’s perfected the art of aging in reverse. It’s inspiring, but despite her great genes, even she will admit that it takes an investment of time, money and effort.
I’m going to show you how to make the most of all of the aforementioned. Please join me for my three-part series, “Lessons My Mother Taught Me: How To Age in Reverse.” Today we are going to discuss the best tips and products for the skin you’re in, and this time, I’m naming names! I’m going to give you the DL on my exact skincare routine, which is surprisingly simple.
Ever since I can remember, my mom has taken exceptional care of her skin. She would always spend top dollar on skincare. In order to age in reverse, you will definitely need to invest in quality products. Great, disciplined skincare, in my opinion, is the number one thing you can do to control and reverse your extrinsic aging.
A quick aside: I am not only a fashion journalist, I’m also licensed in California as an aesthetician. Keeping up with trends in fashion and skincare is my bag. As such, I have consulted my mother on her skin regime for years now, and introduced her to my favorite products, which you will see in this article as we discover the secrets to aging in reverse.
First, let’s address the night regime. The number one step in your regime is the cleanse. I owns two cleansers. Not for the trendy ‘double cleanse’ that is popular these days, but for two separate purposes. My primary nightly cleanser is by Origins. It’s their fabulous micellar water, enriched with botanicals and created by Tucson’s very own naturopathic doc, Andrew Weil.
This is a sinkless wash, meaning, no water touches your face. I prefer this to endless splashes at the vanity every night before I go to bed because it’s quick and easy but also very effective. Most importantly, it doesn’t strip your acid mantle, which is the thin layer of sebum that protects the epidermis.
My mother taught me to listen to my skin. Enter the alternate cleanser: Rodan + Fields’ clay cleansing mask which I use very rarely, only when my face needs a bit more exfoliation. If my skin feels rough or patchy, it is my go-to. This kaolin clay mask-cleanser leaves your face taut and squeaky clean, and the mild beads gently exfoliate, paving the way for your night products to penetrate more effectively.
The next step in my night regime is not a toner or astringent; remember, they can disrupt the acid mantle. After my cleanse I apply straight Retin-A. Yes, the actual prescription, not a retinoid or a retinol blend. I saw the changes in my mother’s skin and jumped on board in my mid-twenties.
If my skin is dry, and I emphasize *if* then I apply a night cream. Listen to your skin! And my final night step is the Rodan + Fields lip renewing serum, which is a total Godsend, especially for mature women. This silky lipbalm comes in the most convenient, one-dose capsule and reduces fine lip lines while it enhances your vermillion border, which naturally fades with age.
No eye cream, no serums, just simplicity. My morning routine is even simpler. I splash with water and apply my treatment sunscreen, which has SPF and a powerful anti-aging peptide blend, also by Rodan + Fields. When applying your sunscreen always, *always* travel across the cheek with broad strokes over your ears and make sure to treat your neck and decollete!
It’s, literally, one and done! I do *not* wear foundation or concealer or powder, which was definitely not the case in my twenties! Mom says less is more as you age, and boy is she right! Speaking of ‘less is more,’ use your products with frugal caution. Remember that quality skin care is more expensive for a reason. It is more effective and potent and requires less product than its cheaply-milled counterparts.
Occasionally, if I want a photo-finished effect or a bit of coverage and a bit of glow, I apply the Origins Ginzing Tinted SPF, below, which is so fabulous, I cannot even begin to tell you!
This stuff is like magic! It’s totally intuitive. They call it a ‘universal tint’ because it literally warms up to match your skin perfectly, no matter your basic color. Try before you buy and you’ll be hooked. It’s absolutely wondrous as far as matching a variety of skin tones and imparting an unsurpassed glow that looks totally natural and frigging gorgeous! Plus, it’s spiked with an extra boost of SPF to keep your most precious asset, your skin, even more protected! Yet another lesson from Mom: feel free to *layer* your sun protection!
And that’s my regime, with lessons from my mother. Hope it helps you, too, age in reverse!