Any floral-loving fragrance enthusiast will tell you that finding a good lilac perfume is not easy. For years, there was only one lilac perfume on the market I ever found that I liked, and that is by Pacifica Fragrance. Furthermore, it’s inexpensive, easy to find online or at Target, and smells utterly, unmistakably authentic. In a word? Perfect. As perfect as each carefully-curated word in a Dorothy Parker poem. Perfect solo, perfect for fragrance combining. Perfect price point. And almost always perfectly sold-out!
That’s why I get the Hair & Body Mist, at the ridiculously low price of only 12 bucks, instead.

It makes a great gift because it doesn’t break the bank and comes in the same divine sweet lilac fragrance, but the price point scores high marks for cheap thrills, while the scent is nothing short of unique and seductive. It reminds me of one of my very favorite linguists, the aforementioned Dorothy Parker. She wrote a poem that honors the fragile purple flower, and it goes something like this:
There’s a place I know where the birds swing low,
And wayward vines go roaming,
Where the lilacs nod, and a marble god
Is pale, in scented gloaming.
The poem continues to tell the story of longing and loyalty, and, in typical Dorothy Parkerville, ends on a very bitter note, quite unlike the scent depicted in the aptly-named “Song In a Minor Key.” When I think of Parker’s nodding lilacs on her wayward vines I am transported to a happy place, quite unlike the mood of her dark lyrical exercise. You see, this fragrance is a total God-send for floral-lovers such as myself. It is a pure, natural Lilac that, like I said, is very affordable, truly authentic, and super versatile cuz it can be layered with other fragrances quite easily. I love wearing it all alone, or with a bit of rose oil, or some gardenia, or any Jo Malone floral spray such as Orange Blossom.

A quick aside on fragrance combining: If you are new to the art of fragrance combining or if the notion of fragrance combining scares you, why not give it a try? Fragrance combining works especially well when you combine florals with one another to achieve a heady symphony of your own signature elixir. The popular Jo Malone fragrance line established fragrance combining as a legitimate technique in the world of fragrance in recent years. Just mix until you’re happy with the outcome. It’s not serious. Have fun with it but keep it easy. Essential oils make this particularly fun, easy and inexpensive; however, I also love commercial fragrances. Try mixing them, layer them, start with a scented oil or cream and top with a spray all within the floral family until you too achieve your very own fragrance nirvana.