Makeup Artist Rachel Montgomery and Crown Brushes

Finding the Angel Within
Michelangelo said of his creations that he saw the angel in the marble and carved until he set it free. When I think about Michelangelo’s body of work I am reminded of my friends in the beauty biz, some of whom are considered to be among the best makeup artists in the world.
What does it take to be a great artist? Rachel Montgomery, winner of Australia’s prestigious Makeup Artist of the Year Award in both 2011 and again in 2012 and creator of the looks in this article, said, “I start every make-up with a fresh eye and believe that it is essential to remember that every face is unique.”

Her philosophy is to let the face be your guide, so that something new is created every time. Just like a block of marble, each face is already beautiful and unique. Finding the angel within every woman is Rachel’s gift.
But no artist can create beauty without the proper tools. In Michelangelo’s case he used a chisel and a mallet, files and rasps. In Rachel’s case, she uses Crown brushes. In fact, Rachel has collaborated with Crown Brush to produce a limited-edition set of fabulous, affordable, 100% cruelty-free makeup brushes that, if properly cared for, will last you a lifetime.

The 23-brush set above, designed by Rachel, already sold out once but is back by popular demand. It contains both synthetic and natural hair bristles of the softest touch and highest quality. With a brush for every purpose, and each silhouette cut with the utmost intelligence, you can find your own inner angel. Let the brushes do the work for you–like C217, the bent liner. This ingenious little brush will give you Angelina’s corner cat eyes with the flick of a wrist.
Best of all is the price. Honestly, you would expect a complete collection of this quality to cost much, much more, but Crown’s price is only $234 USD, which makes them a steal! I love mine. This is a great time to order for the upcoming holidays. A perfect gift for both budding and seasoned makeup artists alike, and at an incredible value.
Order your limited edition Rachel Montgomery Crown brushes here.