Staging a Skin Intervention with a TCA Chemical Peel

Hi guys. I am so excited to announce my first cosmetic procedure. I just had a Trichloroacetic Acid peel–also known as a TCA peel–and the results are fabulous!
My skin has never looked so healthy and fresh, with a pink, glowing radiance. The peel, which only lasted minutes, was slightly uncomfortable I must admit, but in the words of a dear dear friend: “Beauty hurts.”
There are many kinds of peels for all skin conditions. TCA peels produce improvement in collagen and elastin in the skin and work to aggressively exfoliate for a reduction of fine wrinkling, acne scars, and dark spots. After a week of molting like a snake, what emerges is a complexion with refined texture and in my case, zero pigmentation after just one treatment.

The procedure even lifted deep freckles from my childhood…almost sad to see them go, but the radiant results are so worth it. I can’t wait to repeat the procedure in three months for optimum results.
I love going foundation-free with my newly-revealed healthy skin, and the best part about it is that many women are great candidates for this type of treatment, which can make such an improvement in your appearance at a reasonable price point. A peel like this costs up to $350 at LaBelle Day Spas and Salons, depending on the number of layers the esthetician applies to your skin. It’s a sane approach to skin care. I loved this peel.
Here’s how mine worked:
My esthetician–none other than Bella Schneider, owner of LaBelle Day Spas and Salons–first cleansed my skin before swabbing it with an acetone solution to remove all traces of oil and dirt so that the TCA and its assisting acids can work to their fullest potential.
The skin will begin to ‘frost’ as the peel works its magic. By this, I mean it will turn white and chalky. This particular peel that Bella gave me is a self-neutralizing formula, which means that it doesn’t need to be washed off. Bella applied two layers of the peel on my skin to intensify the effect.
Aftercare is critical. You must be disciplined about sun avoidance and wear sunscreen every day. I put it on in the morning and quickly reapply mid-day, even if I am not planning to be outside; remember that those UV rays and free radicals penetrate glass in your home and car and every bit of damage really adds up.
It’s extremely important that you follow your esthetician’s instructions down to the letter for a successful result. Your skin is more vulnerable now during this healing time, so use common sense.
Remember, just because it seems like a quick and easy procedure doesn’t mean it is not a serious procedure, and you cannot dismiss the aftercare guidelines set forth by your esthetician. For true success, you must also thoroughly divulge your current home regime prior to the peel so that your esthetician knows what to expect, and in turn, so will you.
Lastly, choose an experienced esthetician who can communicate with you and discern your needs. Now is not the time to bargain shop for someone who will be working on your face.

The result? After about seven days “under construction,” my face has gained new vitality and looks seriously flawless, with a gorgeous glow and natural sheen. I am happy to report that foundation is no longer a part of my life. Gotta love modern medicine!