A Quick Q & A With Makeup Artist And Rebel, Dick Page

There’s still time to book an appointment with makeup maven Dick Page, above, who will be appearing at Nordstrom in San Francisco tomorrow. In the meantime, check out his insightful observations, from my interview with the one and only.
What are the most common mistakes women make when doing their own makeup?
To my mind the worst mistake, maybe the only mistake, is overdoing the fixing, corrective stuff because I feel that makeup should be fun and enhancing. I always prefer decoration over reconstruction.
How do women assess and assimilate fast-moving trends into their makeup ritual and cosmetic wardrobe?
I don’t really believe in trends, but little changes here and there are always good. Trust your instincts and try to see which elements in a look from a show or magazine really appeal to you. You may love an eye makeup look, but not the blush or lip colour it’s shown with. A pick and mix approach is useful, play around and see where it takes you.
Why is having your face assessed and makeup applied by a pro so valuable for women? I am constantly advocating this on my website.
A fresh pair of eyes and a (hopefully) objective opinion is great. You may not love everything, but any make up artist worth their salt has a few tips and tricks that can be incorporated into your look. Fresh results can come from simple changes that you may not have thought of. Keep an open mind and try new stuff.
Any favorite products or techniques you’d like to share?
Shake up your routine. Instead of going, base, concealer, powder, eyes, etc…Break the cycle. Start with lips or eyes, try blush by itself to see what it does to your complexion. Makeup can become a chore like any other so it’s good to try a different approach sometimes.
What’s your best advice to women for looking great in all stages of their lives?
Be honest with yourself, not just about how you look, but how you feel. There’s no more a typical 16-year-old than there is a typical 60-year-old. “Age appropriate” makeup just seems dull and boring to me. If you love a certain look, try it. What’s the worst that could happen? You have to wash it off? My favorite words regarding makeup are “Why not?”
Thanks Mr. Page, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
For appointments, call Nordstrom San Francisco at 415.243.8500.