Joseph Schmidt, Legendary Chocolatier

Joseph Schmidt is the nicest man you will ever meet, a true gentleman, funny, sweet, and infinitely enamored of chocolate. The doorman at his San Francisco home said that Schmidt regularly still fashions masterpieces for friends and family. “I can hear him up late at night, pounding. He works into the wee hours.”
And in fact Schmidt has worked in chocolate for some 30 years. He gave me a box and a bag filled with his confections, and I was touched. Why does chocolate mean so much to women?
“I don’t know,” Schmidt told me, “but it makes them happy. And the smart man will keep the woman happy.”
Schmidt and I walked to the Fairmont Hotel and sat in the lobby, looking through album after album of breathtaking chocolate sculptures and art installments of epic detail that he created throughout his career.
There are pictures of chocolate tables, literally: tables nine-foot long, with intricate carving and edible gold leaf, made of solid chocolate…rows of his signature giant chocolate tulips, so vivid and alive with color. Year after year, page upon page of edible Valentine sculptures so amusing, so clever, so imaginative and beautiful, as to be rendered inedible, ironically.
But how does one become the most influential chocolatier in the world?
It’s an interesting story. After a failed petits fors business attempt in 1982 which resulted in 500 pounds of surplus chocolate, Schmidt, who was working as a pastry chef, with then-girlfriend and fellow pastry chef Audry Ryan, made the mistake pay off in a big way when Schmidt began experimenting with the chocolate, creating his signature egg-shaped truffles.
“Some people think I was inspired by women’s breasts, but that’s not the case,” Schmidt told me. “It was the best shape to produce it faster,” he explained.
“We had to figure out what to do with 500 pounds of chocolate,” Schmidt said, “And I found my passion.”
“The truffles were so in-demand that I worked from home 20 hours a day seven days a week” and a company, Joseph Schmidt Confections, was born.
Joseph Schmidt Confections caught the eye of big business and was later acquired by Hershey’s, which discontinued the brand in 2009.

But not before Schmidt graced the TransAmerica Exhibit at Golden Gate Park…the Natural History Museum…Disney…Market Plaza and Pink Gallery in San Francisco…and the Kraft Museum.
Companies like Starbucks and The Nature Company commissioned Schmidt to produce special products for their customers. There is nothing this man cannot create out of chocolate.
Infinitely beautiful and unique visions, like the 13-foot tall rocket filled with teddy bears, and gardens of flowers and baskets of giant tulips and daffodils, with butterflies, all in brilliant color and detail, are captured in countless portfolios.
His consistently awe-inspiring Valentine’s installments featured white chocolate cherubs with dark chocolate wings holding puffed hearts of red, seemingly impossible creations of chocolate.

Schmidt produced seven seasonal lines a year, including chocolate tool sets for Father’s Day and holiday elves and toy soldiers with faces rendered delicately in the delicious stuff.
His famous chocolate boxes, made to hold more chocolates, came in every conceivable shape. The unforgettable dark chocolate puffed heart-shaped box of 2008 was filled with six decorated heart-shaped molded truffles, making it an outstanding gift for some lucky soul. It made such an impression on me that I had to have one too.
Each project could take “between 20 minutes to three days,” Schmidt said, “but you don’t count the hours when you have passion.”
The variety of the chocolates Schmidt gave me was quite amazing. No two were the same: salted milk chocolate with peanut butter in Schmidt’s classic slicks, stamped with edible gold leaf hearts; Hazelnut layered in between dark bitter Belgian chocolate; White chocolate-capped truffles…each candy uniquely beautiful.
The domed truffles caved into fruity liqueurs of strawberry and cherry and Schmidt’s personal favorite, Grand Marnier. Rum-soaked pineapple dipped in dark, each a joy to experience at the talented hands of Joseph Schmidt.
With each bite I reminisced the years I enjoyed his fabulous Santana Row shop, now a tiny jewelry store.
And, having shifted at this point in his career to training mode, teaching others in the fine art of confectionery, Schmidt reflects like a man with no regrets.

“There’s nothing like beauty. It helps you focus your mind into positive thoughts, away from evil and destructive thoughts,” he said.
“And it doesn’t cost you anything. Some people need other substances to get excited because they need to feel alive. But beauty makes you feel alive.”
I love these chocolates – especially the tools made for Father’s Day! They are so cute it’s a shame one has to eat them!!!!
Elin Rasmussen Walker
We knew Audrey Ryan’s parents when they lived in Pebble Beach in 1966-67. They told us that Audrey had studied choclate making in Denmark. I was interested because I am from Denmark. Not having been back to california since then, we are coming to San Francisco in April and would like to contact her. If you could help me I would greatly appreciae it. Thank you. Elin Rasmussen Walker, Annapolis, Maryland
Elin Rasmussen Walker
The confections look fantastic! I would like to contact Audrey since I once knew her parents.
found an old toy soldier box and wanted to find out about jospeh schmidt being from the east coast never saw or heard of the chocolatrie and would like to say as a collector of boxes this is a unique story to go with the box but as a lover of chocolate I wish the confections where still inside I read he still creates his masterpieces from his homesure he reads this and finds time to send me a sweet treat
I first bought Joseph Schmidt chocolate because of the fantastic boxes. Then I ate the chocolate and began a search for them. They were not easy to find in the Philadelphia area in the days before the web. His slicks are a happy memory of chocolate candy heaven. I still put the soldier box out every year at Christmas and think about the slicks that were in it. This year I decided to see if I could find his chocolates. The story I read is sad. All good things must pass. But I am happy that Mr. Schmidt continues to make chocolate for his friend and himself.
Julia Gold
Dear Master Chocolatier Mr. Joseph Schmidt & family,
I love your truffles. There are no better chocolates than yours and I miss them tremendously. Hershey’s destroyed them. Please find a way to have them survive. Your passion and heart were in them and this could be tasted in every bite. Please don’t let them win. Greed and jealousy of Hershey’s mad produced and mass produced chocolates leave a horrible taste in my mouth for what they have done to your legacy. Please don’t let them win.
mary ann clawson
Just wanted to say Hello and to congratulate you on your marriage Mary Ann
I worked there and I appreciate what he did for all the employees and he is so nice and sweet
Katherine Eckstrom
Is there a group of collectors for Joseph Schmidt boxes? I have maybe 25 or so and hate to just throw them away.
Wendy L Neugent-Healy
We had a small candy store in Westerly, RI. When we went to a show at the Javitt Center in NY, we had an appointment to meet with Godiva. As we finished our meeting we continued around the corner to seek out other vendors. My heart stood still when I saw the amazing display by this chocolate company that I had never heard of.
Not only were the intricate truffle designs a work of art, but one small nibble on a sample was like floating on a cloud. I fell in love. My thoughts of carrying Godiva flew out the window. Joseph Shmidt Confections were to become our featured product in that small town. The town was a summer tourist attraction. The truffles drew customers from all over New England and New York. People would come periodically throughout the year just to come to our little shop for the Joseph Schmidt truffles in so many artistic shapes and sizes. Candy Galore & More became one of the most popular shops that drew customers into the town to browse and shop throughout the main street. This was all due to the fabulous truffles that were the best in the world. I would love to see one of Mr. Schmidt’s students be able to recreate the business with his amazing flavors and creativity. When they do, they need to do so with his blessing and support. I hope I’m one of the first to know. I’d be a great embassador for the brand.
A lot of people don’t know that Joseph Schmidt was one of the most generous, loving individuals I ever had the privilidge of knowing . My family owned Epplers until 1999 and my father was friends with Joseph . He would swing by the farmers market and pick up fresh produce for friends or people Joseph felt needed it . He is a model person and as an adult I tried to emulate a lot of his beliefs . After we sold our business , We have lost touch with him which I regret .