Tales of Snails and the Trail of Success: Alex Soldier’s Snail Ring
We all have certain unique ‘things’–different objects or possessions–which symbolize success to each and every one of us. For some, a luxury sportscar is the milestone of that success. You know you’ve made it in life when there’s that one ‘thing.’
Success, for me, however, is being rich in those things that money cannot buy. In the words of Coco Chanel, “The best things in life are free.” And she was right. True love, loyal friends, and your own good health, for example, cannot be bought, even if you foolishly think that they can. But, the witty Chanel was quick to add, “The second best [things in life] are very expensive.” And right she was yet again.
As a tribute to the second best things in life, I would like to show you my idea of one of those things that represents success to me. I must admit I have a weakness for status jewelry, and I guess I will know in my heart that I have finally “made it,” as it were, when I own an Alex Soldier snail ring.
Have you seen these? From his Snail Collection, they positively hypnotize me and leave me fascinated. There are three snails to choose from. First, the Diamond Snail, made of 18 karat white and yellow gold and studded with brilliant diamonds…..
…..Second, the Cognac Snail, below, made of 18 karat yellow gold and platinum, studded with yellow sapphires, citrines, garnets and diamonds…..
…..And third, my personal favorite, the Sea Snail, made of 18 karat white and yellow gold and studded with sapphires, aquamarines, diamonds, peridots, and tourmalines.
I cannot think of any luxury purchase that I more long to own than this couture jeweler’s Sea Snail. I love the idea of Alex’s rendering of a happy-go-lucky snail, occupying quite a bit of real estate on the back of my hand.
The nature of the slow-moving slug seems almost dim-witted, as he carries the weight of the world on his very own back……..until you realize the quiet deliberateness, the intent, the purpose. Until you remember of course the consistency of the slow-and-steady, which now trails glistening fireworks of the finest gemstones executed by one of the greatest in couture gems, Alex Soldier. Behold the shimmering shell, ablaze in all its magnificent splendor.
And all the while it reminds me of Alex Soldier’s message: Slow down and enjoy life…and look closely, because the beautiful may be small, or it may come from an unexpected place.
So much simple wisdom, served brilliantly from an ordinary garden pest that’s been spectacularly punctuated with a generous gem-studded display. The dichotomy? GENIUS.
Each and every snail has its own unique expression. You are met with a friendly recognition and a kind of playful innocence that Soldier captures, as if through the eyes of a child he is seeing that snail for the very first time. The newness of the shell’s geometric reticulations, with Soldier’s characteristic etchings, and the pebbly nature of the flesh of that snail, are all Soldier trademarks and part of what makes this piece so special to me. It’s like you’re getting a little piece of Alex Soldier, the man himself, from a secret space in the recesses of his mind.
Alex Soldier’s Snail Collection is available at www.alexsoldier.com, Saks stores and Neiman Marcus online.

Colin Lacivita
The Snail Collection from Alex Soldier is an amazing collection of jewellery something that is new to my fashion eyes. I want to mention I really found this article by Shannon McGovern a superb piece of fashion journalism. The article description of this unique piece of jewellery was exciting to read. I enjoyed how Shannon says that special things in life cannot be bought as quoted by Coco Chanel.That is something I need to remember because I fall into the trap in trying to impress people so they can be my friends when they are not truly my friends. Yes a beautiful purchase of one of these snail collections are a great gift for someone you love especially when Christmas 2015 is only 4 months away. Thank you Shannon for your interesting colorful article on the snail collection. From Colin Lacivita from Women’s Diary magazine in Australia.
Joe Vex Suquette
Love your comments & photos. The hats and head gear are amazing. You are diffidently a fashionista to the bone, can wait to see & work with you Ms. McGovern.