Soooo Sweet: Sugar, Your Biggest Enemy
Welcome Back It’s Friday, time to further investigate our Paleo plan for healthy eating in 2012. Public Enemy Numero Uno Today we will examine the top Food Predator: Sugar. Sugar may seem tasty,…
Paleo Smoothies: Shaking Things Up, With Precision
Recipe for Disaster This installment of the Paleo diet will piggyback on the smoothie. A home-blended shake is the Paleo Way for a refreshing quick snack or meal replacement, but it has to…
Detour, Detour: The Paleo Way
Hi guys. Today I am writing you from Tucson, Arizona. I’ve attended the annual world-renowned Gem & Mineral Show, and discovered a handful of gifted artists whom I will share with you. I’ve…
All About Smoothies and The Original Smooth-Talker
Class is Now In Session Welcome back. As a continuation of the healthy Paleo diet, today we are exploring smoothies and conducting an investigation on The Original Smooth-Talker. The Best-Laid Plans Even the…
Putting Paleo to Practice with Snacks, Condiments and Good Advice
It’s time to put Paleo to practice. Hopefully you’ve had the chance to do some shopping and pick up the basics for your new way of eating in 2012. Your kitchen should be…
The Power of Paleo: Products for Your Pantry
In keeping with our continuing theme on better self care, welcome to the next installment on the Paleo diet. Today we are going to take a closer look at the foods to keep…
An Introduction to The Paleo Diet & Primal Living
There are many contrasting philosophies when it comes to diet and exercise. The low-fat, high-carb thinking is a thing of the past, and it’s ineffective. Research proves that a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet…