Vintage and Thrift Shopping for Valentine’s Day Accessories
Thrift shopping is not for everyone. And neither is Valentine’s Day, for that matter. But if you’re craving the thrill of finding that golden nugget, that special piece, ripe with uniqueness, I recommend…
V is for a Vintage Valentine’s: Coats
Vintage looks especially romantic on Valentine’s Day and there are so many ways to explore adding a little vintage into your VD wardrobe. I always love finding a dusty jewel at obscure places…
Whimsical Shoes & Bags for Valentine’s Day
Hi guys! Valentine’s Day is a mere three weeks away and I don’t have a thing to wear! Actually, isn’t that kind of the point? Jajaja. But seriously….no girl, single or spoken-for, needs…
Our Hearts Are With You, Los Angeles
I may have left my heart in San Francisco back in 2019, but now it’s breaking for Los Angeles. While we’re freezing here in the desert of Tucson, Arizona, what with its icy,…